For me, one thing that never stops – whatever else is going on in the outside world – is reading books. If I’m ill it helps to take my mind off things. If I cannot sleep then what else to do but compute or read. If I’m well, what better way to escape the cares and worries of the world than by curling up with a good book. If it’s sunny one can take a book into the garden and snatch a few pages between weeding. If its cold and wet and miserable what better way to amuse oneself than by curling up in front of the fire and escaping to a hot climate in a book?
As some of you will know I have a book blog on which I review everything I read. Currently it is about six books behind my actual reading and I’m enthralled by ‘A Guide to the Birds of East Africa’, a novel by Nicholas Drayson.
The weather is fairly ‘yuck’ at the moment and I’m waiting to get out into the garden. (Yuck being defined in this case as wet and breezy and not conducive to gardening.) Once I do so I may get lost so if you don’t hear from me for a couple of weeks send a search party. It’s only a little garden but the plants have grown enormous in the three months I’ve been away.
Well, enough of this rambling – there’s lists to be compiled... Have a good week-end.