Some things you can put in a Google Search box..
[Wyrd Sisters –movie] If your search is returning movies and you wanted books try putting minus movie and vice versa......
[Wyrd Sisters –book]
[Liverpool: weather] provides weather report and forecast for place
[define: word] provides a list of definitions
[define:LOL] define can also be used for abbreviations, SMS language and jargon
[intitle: title of an article] finds an article by title
[an address] brings up a Google Map.
[what time is it in London] brings up time in the named place
[scriptor_senex] brings up url’s with the words in them
[blogging on the net filetype:pdf] Putting filetype: and the nature of the file type finds only answers of that file type
[Terry Pratchett,uk] search for something on a particular site
[insubject:windows xp fast shutdown] may find the subject you want within another subject
[] finds sites similar to the one listed
[link:] finds sites that link to a website
[gdp malta] Gross Domestic Product of Malta
[population malta] Population of Malta.
[capital malta] The capital of Malta.
[location malta] Rough idea of where Malta is located.
[currency malta] What is the currency of Malta.
[flag france] The flag of France. Note there was no flag shown for Malta.
[anthem france] What is the national anthem of France.
[birthplace of walt disney] Where Walt Disney was born.
[computers view:timeline] adding view:timeline will give you a historical timeline about inventions, events, etc.
[100+37+92+641-7] Works like a calculator to perform math operations.
[how many teaspoons in a tablespoon] Provides the answer to measurement conversions.
[convert 300 yen to dollars] Provides currency conversion
[0151-456-1111]Provides a link to more information about the residence, business, or organization for that phone number.
[n199ud] Provides a link for information about FAA registration for the airplane with that registration number.
[British airways flight 911] provides information about that flight
In image search [Rose &imgtype=face] to discount results other than faces
And one final tip -
Use Google image search for information about a word or name. Don't know what an artichoke looks like; or whether Maya is a man or a woman; or what corazon means. Type them image search and get the answer.
What a fascinating posting! I couldn't get the links to galenote to produce any information but some of the others were fascinating. I could play with that all day.