In a way I shall be glad when Christmas is over. No, that’s not me doing my normal ‘Bah, Humbug’ act, it’s because I can’t cope with all the new books.
Like most people I have a pile of ‘books to be read’. But since most of the books I actually read tend to come from the library the pile just grows. Every now and then I sort through my book pile but most of them end up unread, yet again. Part of the reason for this is the subconscious need to keep some back for a rainy day. Perhaps I have an underlying fear that the library will burn down (God forbid) or be closed down in Council cuts (Elected Members forbid, please). Or I might end up in hospital for a long spell (a somewhat more likely prospect but again, may the Gods forbid).
I have my book pile scattered around rather than in one place. It consists of one of the shelves in the bedroom with about a dozen books within immediate reach of a night-time read. Then there is a pile (literally) alongside one of the landing bookcases and another shelf-full on that bookcase. A few books in the conservatory and some in the bookcase in the downstairs loo. That’s not counting the boxes of unread books in the loft – they are definitely rainy day material.
The increase in the number of books I have set aside around the house, waiting to be read, begins in late October when my birthday brings me books and book tokens.
Then in late November when I start shopping for other people’s Christmas presents I see more books I want. Whether it is on Amazon, at Linghams, in attic sales, or in charity shops my searches for books for other people inevitably leads me to buying books for myself. The five books pictured above were picked up at the Attic Sale on Saturday.
Since then I’ve also bought a couple of books in a charity shop, one in Linghams and yet another, bought using Bryony and Mark's birthday voucher, arrived from Amazon
Christmas will undoubtedly bring more books and / or vouchers. By January my book piles will be unmanageable. Thank heavens the weather is grey and drizzly and ideal for curling up with a book. Otherwise New Year’s Day would see me emerging from them like Mole from his Spring cleaning – just a snout visible.
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