Saturday 11 April 2009

A picture

A few days ago Simply Heather showed us a picture of Jesus that her mother bought for her. It is a remarkable picture.

In our hall we have a picture of Christ which was one of my Mum’s favourites. I don’t know it’s origins but it was much admired in my parents’ house and a couple of times I was asked to copy it for her friends.


  1. Pictures are so fascinating, aren't they? I, too, have these pictures of Christ in my mind. Our pictures are all similar.
    I guess the actual features and reality of what He looked like isn't so important. It's how we feel Him. I believe He knows that.
    Happy Easter, my friend.

  2. Very nice...striking eyes. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought that my brother posed for this sketch. The nose and mouth are so similar to my brother's profile. I should share a photo of him that resembles this...if I can find it :o).

    Thank you for sharing this and the mention.


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