Sunday, 27 December 2015

Boxing Day 1949

This was a while ago!


  1. So you were baptized on Boxing Day! Your certificate is beautiful. My baptismal certificate is not nearly so ornate and pretty.

  2. You were born on Boxing Day? Great expressions on both in that photo above.

    1. No, Tabor, I was Christened on Boxing Day. I was born the previous October so I was two months old in that photo.

  3. Thanks for that CJ. I was looking at that photo recently and wondering which of us it was. Now I know. I still have a load of the old documents too. When you think that Cyril Dunsby baptised and was at my confirmation it makes one realise how long he served at St David's.

    1. Did you read the bit at the bottom about the 'vulgar tongue', GB? Could explain why I swear more than you!

    2. Well, well, well. Your comment made me delve into the archives and retrieve my certificate to see if it had the same wording. In fact it is an identical certificate. However I wasn't baptised by Cyril Dunsby but by The Rev Eric Smith. I don't remember him but then as I was baptised at less than a month old that's hardly surprising.

      By the way I don't ever recall you swearing very much. FWKTM did point out to me that that she was impressed by the fact that I never blasphemed as all my swear words involved (non-sexual) bodily functions.

  4. I have a photo of the event, but no document like that.

  5. What a beautifully made document! My certificate is just an ordinary piece of paper, a sober form filled in with the kind of typewriter that was widely used back then. I was born in March 1968 and christened nearly two years later, on December 6th, 1969.

  6. Lovely photo - I don't recall seeing that one before.

    Are sponsors the same as Godparents?

    1. I suspect sponsors are the same though I've never actually heard the term. Perhaps it is used in different churches?

    2. Yes Helen sponsors are the same. I'm not sure if the term is used in the C of E but it is in the RC faith.

    3. I've just looked it up. The C of E does use the term for Godparent too.


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