Saturday, 26 September 2015

Sponsor a Whale or Dolphin

On our way down through Scotland this year we called at the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Centre on the Moray Firth and adopted a bottlenose dolphin called Kesslet.

“Kesslet  was born in 1994, daughter of the late Kess (who sadly died in 1998) and little sister of “Friths Bro”. Kesslet was left motherless at the young age of 4, resulting in a bit of a tough upbringing – having to fend for herself at such a young age. And grow up she did, and what a fantastic dolphin! Ultra fast, incredible manoeuvrability and clever hunting tactics have made her into a formidable predator – she never, ever, misses a fish. After leading the carefree, somewhat precocious life of a single girl for ages she eventually gave birth to her first calf in September 2007." (Charlie Philips)

In the latest newsletter from Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Kesslet – a popular recipient of sponsorship – gets a mention.

This brilliant photo of Kesslet by Charlie Phillips is just one of many on the WDC website and I am most grateful for their kind permission to use it on my blog.

If you want to sponsor a whale or dolphin or even make a small donation please contact


  1. Such delightful creatures! Maybe someday, when the current financial crisis is past, i'll be able to consider this.

  2. I love dolphins - and many other creatures including Orcas and seals for that matter but why? As stated above dolphins are ferocious and successful hunters. A few years ago the bay below the house was turned red as a pod of Orcas herded seals into the bay and slaughtered them. "It's just nature" and so, of course, it is.

  3. I like the idea of sponsoring a whale or dolphin...they're such gentle creatures.
    The whale I'd like to sponsor would have to be able to vomit too.


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