Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Tomorrow is World Post Day!

October 9th is World Post Day! 

This event is celebrated every year since 1969, on the anniversary of the founding of the UPU (Universal Postal Union), and commemorates all the hard work and social contributions of the postal services world-wide.  There are more than five million postal employees around the world and 663,000 post offices. Postal services worldwide annually process and deliver an estimated 368.4 billion letter-post items and 6.4 billion parcels.

So across the world, post offices celebrate this special day in many different ways. This includes special philatelic exhibitions, free entrance in postal and communications museums, introducing new products and services, special cancellation marks, seminars, workshops and more!

And what is happening in the UK - nothing, zilch, not a sausage!  How disappointing.  Come on Post Office pull your finger out for next year and try to make something special of it.


  1. I'm not sure our community is doing anything special, but I should find out...also I should, and will, send a note to a friend who's a postal worker.....thanks for the info!

  2. First time I hear about this! But seeing how important postal services are - and still continue to be, regardless of the internet - it is certainly something worth celebrating. No idea whether Deutsche Post are doing anything; they've only been in the news the other day because regular letters are going to become more expensive again next year.

  3. John,
    Coincidently, there is news about the Post here, today. Money cannot buy home delivery from government postal service here in Canada, it seems. Of course there are always couriers . . .. The news comes in an article about an independent provider who will offer twice-weekly home delivery of mail, at the princely rate of $240.00 per year (about £144 / year), this opportunity arising in the wake of the Canada Post discontinuation of urban home delivery services to about 5 million homes in favour of delivery to community mailboxes. Canadians on both sides of Canada Post (workers and clients) are not amused. For the record, Canada Post will continue delivery to the disabled. But what of the people who aren't registered as disabled - the elderly, in particular, who become virtual shut-ins during our long and difficult winters? Just saying -

  4. It surprises me that we still get 'to the door' post in the UK. Most places have a postbox at the road and at least some places in Spain require you to go to the nearest town.

  5. Our postal service here on the island is alive and well, and seem to be holding their own.
    Now if I can only get my new postman to comprehend that there is no Marjorie Grant living at my address I would be a happy camper.


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