Saturday, 13 October 2012


Answer - in a town of bookstores!  As shown in our visit to Hay-on-Wye.  And when you add its crystal shops, antique shops and charity shops all hope is lost...


  1. I'm envious. I like shopping around at bookstores. Back in the bad old days there was an excellent store downtown called Leo's Book and Wine. Leo was an irascible, curmudgeonly sort of fellow - I really enjoyed Leo, and I guess a lot of other people did as well for his store was quite popular for years. Leo sold both new and used books and also had a nice selection of wine. So a person like your truly could pack up his girlfriend and her three kids and go to Leo's, buy a few books and a bottle of wine and then enjoy the rest of the weekend reading.

    In a town like Hay-on-Wye I'm afraid I'd derail my schedule for several weeks just enjoying the town.

  2. Looks like Ivy is a proper Edwards - showing her interest in books at such an early age :-)

  3. Oh, my, two of my favorites! And then add in charity and antique shops! Wow!
    I love the collage; I'd love to have it as a poster.

  4. I cannot ever leave a bookstore...old or new books..without one or 5 hundred in my bag. My lifetime rule when my kiddos were little was never refuse to buy them a book if they asked for just didn't seem right to deny a possible love of reading. Your kitty has the most beautiful blue eyes! Adorable!

    1. Ya Ya, I agree totally! When little, my daughter soon learned that if she asked for toys or candy, the answer was probably going to be "No" but if she wanted a new book, there was a good chance we'd say yes. I even joined a children's book club for a couple of years when she was small, to increase our supply. To this day, she is an avid reader who always has at least one book on the go. Gotta catch 'em when they're young!

  5. Is there anything so soul-satisfying as a new pile of books? And a kitty, and a cup of tea! Sounds as if you had a great time. xoxox

  6. You are right, cats & books are an irresistible combination!

  7. Good thing that you both share the same passion ;) And not much risk you will run out of things to read in the next few months, it seems! (Has the kitten learned to read yet...?)

  8. When I heard about Hay-on-Wye it was too late to plan an excursion during my visit to the UK last month. It's on my list for the next time though! There's a small town near here - Sidney - that is known for used book stores, but not on the scale of Hay-on-Wye.

  9. Since I bought the Kindle I, too, have bought more 'real' books than ever before as well as loading the Kindle. 'Twas ever thus.

  10. Good lord, WHAT BOOKS? I'm too entranced by the kitten to notice anything else!

  11. We just moved house to New Mexico (from California) and I unpacked 35 book boxes! Yes, I do have a lot of books and they are ALL my very dear friends.
    Re. encouraging your children to love books, our own dear daughter was late to speak, but when she did start talking she spoke in complete sentences and the very first one was -- "I have a book!"

  12. I know you will be happily reading for a while, but then again you have the purrfect company.


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