Wednesday 27 March 2019

Comment moderation

As you will be aware if you've ever commented on this blog I moderate the comments.  Fortunately most of the ones inviting me to partake of 'cheap viagra', even cheaper Eastern girlfriends or simply attacking me in vile language for being disabled have reduced in recent times. 

I was even amused by today's contributions...

I'm glad they are offering to save me time and petrol by travelling to me.  Trips to California to consult a notary would rather dent my finances.


  1. I moderate for the same reason. My most common spam is about escorts in Mumbai!!

    1. Why don't I get those! They'd be more appropriate than breast enhancement!

  2. One wonders what they possible gain from this spam!! That is why I also moderate!

  3. I get some really absurd comments, too, but I only moderate comments older than 2 weeks - for the simple reason that I would most likely miss them otherwise.

  4. It's strange. I very rarely have spam and I don't think I've ever had an offensive comment (from a non-regular blogger). The problem with comment moderation is that it effectively prevents conversations.

  5. Mostly those comments don't come through the spam filter on my site. Sometimes i go take a peek at them, they can occasionally be amusing.

  6. Generous offer indeed... Let us know if they turn up on your doorstep! ;)

  7. That's hilarious, the Spam is good for a giggle!


Hello - thanks for dropping by to leave a comment. Your comments are much appreciated even if I don't always reply. They will appear as soon as they have been moderated.

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