Sunday, 1 November 2015

Oh No - Not the C. word...


  1. At first I thought this was PC with Messymimi's comment I see it is the commercial thing.

  2. Yikes!!! It sneaks up on me every year.

  3. Hi John and Friends
    I found you via your other blog, WORDS, WORDS, WORDS, while googling the phrase "Light Blue Touch-Paper and RETIRE", which always sounded to me like a recipe for a full and balanced life.

    Why was I googling that phrase? I live in Southern California, and regularly post on the LA Times Crossword Corner Blog. I was just explaining Guy Fawkes' Night to Americans, when that phrase sprang to mind.

    My ONLY thought when I saw your cartoon was the PC thing. "Happy Holidays" is about the only thing you can say in these parts without someone taking offense (sorry, I have to use U.S. spelling).

    Here is a dig: I noticed that on one of your more recent WORDS blogs, about spellings with "ie" versus "ei", you wrote PRONOUNCIATION. I will always remember my French teacher at Grammar/High School declaring to the class "You must get your PRONOUNCIATION correct". I was a quiet student in a quiet classroom, but I burst into laughter. He walked up to me and asked me what was so funny. I did not have the heart to tell him.

    Enjoy your fireworks - it must me dark already in the UK.


  4. We'll be saying it a lot in the weeks to come.....

  5. Yes, the Christmas juggernaut has started to roll!


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