Saturday, 8 November 2014

Scottish Holiday – Day Ten (Friday 15th August 2014)

I have, at long last, resumed sorting my photos of our Scottish holiday in August.  Day Ten began with a 6 a.m. walk along the front at Inveraray.

After breakfast we set off for Moffat.  The first stop was to take photos of Loch Long and Arrochar.

Our next stop was Loch Lomond where folk were learning to toss the caber.

And musicians entertained us.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at Moffat where we were staying the night.

You would hardly expect a Pagan to have a monument this size!


  1. Another good look round. You picked the weather.

  2. Of rams and men? - the Moffat ram (that I managed to miss entirely when I was there), you and Adrian in the same place, just now, if only in spirit - nice. Moffat's like that, isn't it. I realised the error of my ways in allowing too little time when I was there, so I envy the two of you being there longer. Thanks for the post and taking us along on your rambles.
    Take care, McGregor

    Glad you're back on the road again, so to speak. You and Adrian on the same plane just now,

    1. The Moffat ram's claim to fame is that it lacks the ram's bits at the back!! Unlike the one we saw the next day which I will post soon. And unlike the Black Bull!

  3. I've known a Pagan or two whose monuments were quite large! *wink*

    I LOVE SCOTLAND!!!!!!!!! (In case I hadn't mentioned that lately.)

    1. You love Scotland - gosh - I would never have guessed it. So far as Bear is concerned you rather ruined the effect by adding the 'or two'.

    2. I don't regret or hide my past - I was a rowdy, randy girl in my single days! The fact that I am faithful to Bear is testament to how very much I love him, and he appreciates that. It wouldn't be much of a promise to keep if I was a wallflower all my life, now, would it? Like rain promising to be watery.

    3. You have a wonderful way with words - watery rain, Hah!

  4. An interesting mix of pictures! And a 6.00 am start... phew, I don't even do that on work days, let alone on a holiday :-)
    What is the building at the end of the road in the third picture from the top?

    1. It's a church but I forget which denomination. It's still in use but it also has a church hall inside the building and we went in there once to look at some charity stalls but they were a bit down-market. (Does that sound snobbish - Oh well... What I mean is the clothes were not washed and were just thrown on tables not hung up like in the charity shops we are used to.)

  5. What a lovely area! So much to see and learn, i wish i could spend my whole life traveling and learning.

  6. I hope to make it to Scotland one day! Thanks for sharing these photos!

  7. The first photo is a cracker. The last time I was in Inveraray was when you and I had that huge detour and we had a comfort stop and, if I recall correctly, had an ice cream.

    1. An ice cream and a loo break! What more could one need? As for Inveraray it never seems to change from year to year.

  8. Those are some lovely photos, I especially like the calm feeling I get when looking at the first two when gazing at that water.

  9. I have enjoyed Day 10 of your Scottish holiday with its lovely photos, including the little Scottish Terrier and the bright red post box.
    Interesting history too....I have always wondered about the queer English names (we have lots of them here too), but "Devil's Beef Tub" takes the cake in my book.


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