Thursday 1 January 2009

The Cast

This is my main blog insofar as it is the one I try to ensure has at least one entry per day - and usually two. It is also the one which has my Friday My Town Shoot-out on it.

At the moment I am at home in Pensby on The Wirral in Cheshire, England.

This is the cast of characters who appear regularly:-

Me - sometimes known as CJ or John and otherwise known as Scriptor Senex;

Jo (alias Partner-who-loves-tea and also known as Partner-who-hates-being-photographed);


Bryony's husband Mark


Helen's partner Ian
(a.k.a. Friend-who-loves-Otters);



GB (Brother-who-blogs).


  1. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to come across this blog - it's the first time that I've ever seen it. My friend and I are doing some research on the city of Liverpool and when we arrived there yesterday we discovered that the Central Library was closed for refurbishment - However, all was not lost and we continued our journey along to the Town Hall.

    It was here that we came across Exchange Flags - We were fascinated by the sculpture in the middle of the square and it's only today, thanks to your blog - that we were able to access the internet and discover more about it.

    However - We've still not been able to discover the origin of the name of the square - We'er aware that it was used for trading etc - But where is the origin of the word 'Flags' and 'Exchange' etc - Did merchants 'raise flags' to indicate that their ships, carrying goods etc, had successfully arrived into the port of Liverpool?

    It was just an idea that we thought it may have had it's origin in something like this - We'd be very grateful of any further thoughts you may have about this.

    We'd only gone into the city initially, with a view to try and take a look at the different 'Seals' of the various Charters of the city of Liverpool - Believe it or not - this all began with an interest in looking at the many different depictions of the 'Liver-Bird' - We've heard so many different theories about it - That it was an eagle, a dove, a kormorant etc - Hence our decision to go and take a look.

    Anyway - Thank you so much for your blog. We've really enjoyed it - Thank you so much.

  2. This is the only blog I follow. I came across it rather by accident as I was searching for "Archy & Mehtabel". I am a hopeless Anglophile who resides in Texas home of more than one idiot politician, gun nuts and enormous pick up trucks. What a delightful escape this website is for me! Oh, I could dream about sitting by the fireside, with the "kettle on" and discussing some civilized topics of literature, philosophy or the natural world (what's left of it).

  3. Oh, Blast. Had I READ your profile, I would have known about your disorder. As my niece and nephew say, "DUH."

    By the way, the responses to my various paintings has overwhelmed me to the point of beginning a new one. I have no idea yet what it is. It will tell me in its own time.

    I am glad you have family with you. It CAN make life richer no matter what the pain.

    While I have only my son, who is absent mostly, I have a world of friends. We have all become family to one another through the years. I wrote a poem a while back, it's on my blog somewhere. I think it's called Laundry Eagles.

    Regardless, we have all been there for one another through weddings, divorces, losing children, gaining grandchildren, illness, successes, dreams smashed and dreams fulfilled. And we feel that our connections are, at this point, family ties.

    I am a lucky woman.

    So good to get to know you in this marvel called the blogospher. SO much more intimate, yet appropriate, than Facebook, it seems.


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