Sunday, 14 April 2013

I'm still a round (or should that be still around???)

Yes, I’m still around but I’m reading the newspaper, sick, drinking a coffee, tired, doing my postcard blog, watching the grand-prix, getting the catten down from a tree, well, you know, just busy at the moment. 

I got this message from Firefox yesterday.  I think “Duh!” is the only response I can give.

If you fancy a laugh – or something soppy to pass on to a niece, grandchild, friend, etc. – take a look at Julia Turner’s creations


  1. Sorry you're not well. Time to pamper yourself. Use Ivy as a hot water bottle.

  2. :-D for the vodka bit and the five rules!

  3. Thanks John. A Sunday smile.

  4. Some good quotes there CJ but it's the last bit about the spillchucker that really strikes home with me these days.

  5. Glad to know you're still 'around' and keeping busy! :)

  6. Hey!
    Be careful getting that cat out of a tree. Honestly, why bother, how many dead cats have you seen up a tree? :-)
    I love the "Five Rules", so funny!

  7. Wonderful to start the day with a chuckle. Thanks, Scriptor! I especially like the last one!

  8. Very funny, especially the rules.

  9. I love those Five Rules to Remember in Life.
    Wanna guess which is my favourite???
    I think you'll be on top of the world again when spring has finally sprung....please feel better.

  10. Sorry you're not feeling well, but happy to see you still have your sense of humor! Love the 5 rules..#4 being the very reason I won't take a concealed weapon course...however, hubby did..hmmmmmm


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