Wednesday 15 August 2012

It's Rambles's Blogiversary


I've been blogging on this blog for five years – it seems a lot longer. I started blogging earlier than that on a different host (Angelfire) with a blog about my garden and a Hebridean one but the idea for a rambling all over the place blog came in August 2007.

One of the great things about blogging has been all the people I have met. Some of them, like a Girl from Vermont – I met early on and have kept in touch with ever since. Another reader of my blog – Canadian Chickadee in Seattle doesn't have her own blog and yet we have become firm friends using both e-mails and snail mail.

I've visited friends and acquaintances all over the world and unlike my blogging brother, GB, I don't use aeroplanes and the car.   I just sit in my swivel chair at my desk and say hello from there.

It doesn't matter if some of them, like Jen in the US are too busy (or have too many followers) to visit me – I've enjoyed sharing her charming photos of Sasha and Moonbeam and the occasional delving into the archives at work. (All librarians have me hooked on their activities and the books they read). Which brings me to Librarian in Germany who almost always leaves a comment when she visits. It's so good to know you are out there and enjoying my ramblings enough to come back time and again.

Members of my family, like my daughter Helen, sometimes find out what is going on in my world through the blog which also allows me to post photos of life around me.

And there are folk abroad who have some sort of special bond with the UK and visit me as part of their hiraeth – like Kay from near Atlanta.

I've met people from all over the UK – far too many to mention but I must give a kiss to Moannie and her daughter Saz from Carlisle as Moannie is having a rough time at present. Moannie has been “married to the same fellow from boy to man and back again for fifty two years. Love him and our three children, my grandchildren and Milou our Westie, though not in any particular order, and seldom all on the same day.”

Then there is Fhina, the most inappropriately named Woman of No Importance;  Adrian whose images sometimes leave me drolling with envy; Dawn Treader who has become a friend thanks to blogging.

And there is another über-special person and, of course, Jo who occasionally finds out what's going on in my life thanks to reading about it on my blog!

So many people into whose lives I have peered and who have had a peek into mine. What a wonderful thing the Internet is!


  1. I don't always leave a comment, but I always enjoy my visits to your world. Yes, the internet is a wonderful thing.

  2. Happy anniversary to you and your blog! My comments might be rare, but I still enjoy reading your posts on my Reader all the time. Thank you for sharing your words with us.

    1. Isabella - did you know your site is blocked by Google as being a possible contaminator of computers?

      You can sort it out by visiting

      Good luck,

  3. Indeed, the internet is!
    One of my Facebook friends who is a teacher is missing her mother (recently died) to whom she shared much of her day, especially the first school day of the year. We can ache and feel sadness oozing from the pores of the page. Many others were sending virtual hugs and words of encouragement to her.

    1. Yes, Norma, it's surprising how quickly and deeply one can get involved with people through the Internet. Moannie is cooing so bravely with her cancer that I feel sad and yet inspired when I visit her page.

  4. Thank you for the kind words, Scriptor. Your blog is such a bright part of my day. The first one I check, even though I don't always comment. (I sometimes think I talk too much as it is, so try to control myself!!) You've introduced me to a part of the British Isles of which I knew next to nothing. I love reading the book hints and have read (and purchased) several books on the strength of your reviews and recommendations. And as I recall, it was your review of one of Gladys Taber's books which drew me to your blog originally.

    So congratulations on your anniversary! I look forward to many many more years of fascinating blogs and emails.....

    Take care and God bless. Love & hugs to you, Jo, Richard, GB, and anyone else who is important to you and/or nearby. xoxo Carol

  5. Happy anniversary Scriptor. I love your blogs. You always have something interesting to say. I try to comment most of the time but have been a little remiss in this hot weather. It is a little cooler tonight but the humidity will be right back up there for another few days, maybe more. Thanks for all your comments on my blogs.

  6. Here's wishing you many happy blogging years to come.

  7. I found you through GB - and I suspect you got him into blogging. SO thanks to GB as I do enjoy reading your rambles. I have lost track of origins of where I found many people, but I suspect Moannie and Saz led me to GB - and somewhere in there I also found Librarian, Scrappy Grams and Dawn Treader. It pays to check links people put up, and their blog roll!

    It's a small world really - I love that I can feel a connection to countries and people and situations all over the world.

  8. Well, Happy Blogiversary! Let's eat some cake!
    I am a little bit shy to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, so I will just say read all the comments above and I echo those same sentiments.
    Thanks so much for your help and support with my blog. I really appreciate it.

  9. I so agree, I would never have believed in a million years just where blogging would take me, not to mention photos published and making friendships strong enough to host people from California and Louisiana in my home. And then there is that really nice man called John from the Wirral!

  10. Happy anniversary! Blogging has brought so many interesting people into my life when I hear of someone who doesn't have a computer I'm amazed.

  11. Happy anniversary! Love your wit and your photos. Hope you're having a stellar day. Cheers!

  12. Happy anniversary! I enjoy your photos of the countryside the most.

  13. Isn't it? I'm amazed all the time that I have a peek into other people's lives all over the world. So many places I will never see in my lifetime.
    Happy Anniversary, SS!

  14. Wow! I wonder how many subjects you have covered in that time.

    Sometimes happy, sometimes funny, sometimes sad and sometimes thought provoking - it is always a pleasure to read.

  15. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! I know I came across you in the Blogworld only a few months or so into my own blogging career (in the spring of 2009) and this was one of the first that I started following on a regular basis and have kept on following and enjoying and ever since. I also know I've made other friends from here. So keep doing what you're doing... ;)

  16. Many hearty congrats on your Bloggiversary, Sir - Some of us mere bloggy mortals only cower in fear and ferment at your many talents, Scriptor Senex - Writing and photography, to name but two - I know that Saz and I are only a heartbeat away from that coffee you've promised us now, and we shall hold you to it - I hope that we shall clasp one another to our (in my case, ample) bosooms, and smile heartily in our gratitude for having met one another here... Thank you for your love and support, always x

  17. Congrats on your blogiversary. You make quite an impressive impression on your blogs and make the internet a better place. :-) Hoping to see you around for much longer.


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