Saturday, 5 May 2012

A Saturday Stroll

The Spillchucker

I use the spellchecker (known to GB and I as the spillchucker) at the end of every sentence because I mistype so many words.  This is partly because of my eyes and partly because of my neuropathy - my fingers don’t land where the brain is telling them to land.  In that last sentence, for example, the word ‘and’ ended up as ‘snd’.  By clicking on it with the spillchucker I usually get the right word among those offered,  But occasionally the word I want is not there, especially if I have made two or more errors in the one word.  Then, the alternative (s) can make for a hilarious sentence unless I’m very careful!   Recently, for example, in an e-mail I was intending to write ‘Primulas’.  It was mistitled (oops -  mis-typed)  and the alternative I was offered was pre-molars.  I had visions of sowing teeth in the garden.  So long as they didn't grow into armed warriors like the dragon's teeth that Cadmus and Jason planted. (The classical legends of Cadmus and Jason gave rise to the phrase "to sow dragon's teeth" which is used as a metaphor to refer to doing something that has the effect of fomenting disputes.)

Why do I bother?  Blogger is so slow to respond to anything nowadays that it’s no surprise Tumblr has overtaken it as the most popular blog host for new enrolees.  I had assumed it was the wireless connection where I am staying but all other sites are as quick as ever so it turns out to be blogspot that’s the problem. Sometimes the connection is so slow it times out and my attempts at commenting on people’s blogs have been frustrated (and frustrating).


Misty seems to have settled for me being her only company and food provider.  But she was a bit disappointed when I was too slow to catch the frog she was after in the garden.


I’ve just finished reading ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue.  It was recommended by Daughter-who-takes-photos.  It’s cleverly crafted, brilliantly written (it was shortlisted for the 20120 Man Booker Prize), and very moving.  Told from the perspective of a five year old it is a moving account of maternal love and childhood dependency but the macabre background was upsetting (to me, at least).  It was that over-used word ‘unputdownable’ but I’m not sure I would recommend it to anyone.  I think it’s a book you have to decide yourself whether you want to read.


I have yet to sort most of the photos I took in Exeter city centre yesterday so I’ll have to settle for showing you the clematis that covered the ruins of St Catherine’s almshouses and canon’s house.

I came across a lovely quote the other day – I just wish I could recall whose blog it was on ….

I can't remember anything these days, but I look on the bright side.  It means that the world is fresh and new everyday.


  1. Clematis and old ruins! I'd love a stroll there!!! For some reason I was always crazy about old ruins... (I wonder if I could create one on my balcony, next to the clematis... nah, probably wouldn't be the same thing...)

  2. Hey John!
    You know my joke about not remembering was from me! That was in an email that I sent you!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE that clematis! It reminds me of "The Secret Garden", one of my favorite books.
    And now when I hear the word "primulas", I will think of pre molars and I will chuckle.

  3. I considered reading "Room" but decided not to. What a very beautiful cat that is!

  4. Oh dear. I make so many mistakes these days when I'm typing that I sometimes get quite frustrated. My problem is that I have no excuse other than sheer incompetence.

    I have one young friend who writes her art blog on Tumblr. It seems to be very simple indeed and hers has no place for comments.

    I tried to convert one of mine to Wordpress to try it but my blog was too big. I seem, however, to be quite lucky because I've not had too many problems with Blogger in any way recently. It's certainly not slow but then having very slow broadband in both Lewis and NZ perhaps it's difficult for me to judge the speed.

  5. spillchucker): I am one of this too. My friend tells me it is because I type too fast, Fast???? I typd with two fingers. Then I am too lazy to edit.

    I did have trouble with Blogger, since changin it to ggogle chrome, I can post faster, but still have trouble. I tried to transfer one blog to word press, but old habits are hard to change.

  6. Thx for posting the Misty pictures - we really enjoyed them!


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