Sunday 20 April 2008

Hebridean Blog


In early May. the Gods willing, I shall be returning to the Outer Hebrides and I was contemplating resurrecting my Hebridean Blog from 2007 which was hosted on Angelfire.

Hosting it there had the advantage of being able to use larger photos but having just revisited it I appreciate it probably loads too slowly when I fill it with so many large photos, even for the average Broadband.

I also discovered that I have used 70 per cent of my free space on Angelfire which suggests I may not be able to complete this year’s visit on that host any way. As a result I shall host it at Google with all my others and you will be able to find it on

Watch that space as they say!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are going to do that again. Looking forward to it immensely.


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