Monday, 11 November 2013


While down in Exeter we visited an Asian supermarket. I love wandering around foreign supermarkets and this was no exception.  One of the goodies we came away with was Shakkarpara.  (Which my spillchucker wanted to turn into Shakespeare!!)  

I love it.  It is a terrific tea time (or any other time) snack. Shakkarpara is most commonly made in India around festival time - especially Diwali or Christmas. Known as Shakkarpara or Shakkarpare in the North of the country, it is also called Shankarpali in Western India. Well made Shakkarpara is crisp and crunchy but not hard and not overly sweet.

There is a recipe for Shakkarpara at this site.


  1. Without having followed the link to the recipe, I think this Shakespeare-thingy looks like it is deep-fried, some kind of flaky pastry.
    I love looking at foreign supermarkets, too, especially when I am in a foreign country.

  2. Reading the recipe my thoughts go to a traditional kind of pastry here called 'klenät' which my mum used to make at Christmas-time. (It was never my favourite though)

  3. Sounds yummy. I know what your mean about spellchecker -- mine always wants to turn my daughter's (Arlene) into "airline!" Quite a difference! xoxox

  4. The recipe looks like a slightly sweet fried dough, similar to the hojaldras that my family loves, which are common in parts of Central America.

    Enjoy your treats, and tell your "spillchucker" to calm down!

  5. You already know that I have 32 sweet teeth, so I would have purchased some of these treats as well.....enjoy for me and you.


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