It sometimes amused me at GB's watching Brother-who-blogs working away at two computers at the same time. Well, almost the same time. He wasn't actually using one hand on the desktop and the other on his laptop... But they were running at the same time and had different tasks going on them. I know son-in-law-who-cooks also has about ten screens going at the same time. But now I’ve started something similar. I have my desktop computer upstairs and I use that for writing my novel. Downstairs I have my laptop and that is used for e-mails, web browsing and doing work for Jo.
Sadly the laptop keyboard has stopped working so I’m using a plugged in one. It’s one of those that has no wires, the messages from it being sent to a little receiver plugged into the USB port. A similar arrangement applies upstairs. Imagine my amusement when the first time I used it I discovered that what I had typed downstairs was on the open document upstairs. The receivers were obviously on the same wavelength. But even more weird was seeing a word I had purposely mistyped downstairs had been corrected by the spellchecker upstairs.
Wonderful stuff modern technology!