In the 18th and 19th
Centuries the rise of rich industrialists led to them donating funds to a large
number of newly established philanthropic and missionary societies. Their wives and the wives and daughters of
the upper classes often assisted these charities by sitting on their committees
and even doing work for them. Amongst
some of the more interesting charities were –
Society of Universal Goodwill (there is now a society of a similar name –
The International Society of Friendship and Good Will which began in 1978)
Society for Superseding the Necessity of Climbing Boys (to reduce the number of boys that sweeps sent climbing up chimneys to
clean them).
Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress.
Guy's Hospital for sick and impotent persons and lunaticks (founded 1721)
The General Benevolent Institution for the Relief of Decayed Artists of the United Kingdom
The Institution
for the Protection of Young Country Girls (founded
The Society for the Suppression of Mendicity
Society for Carrying into Effect His Majesty’s Proclamations Against Vice and
(Founded in 1788 - Its purpose was the
Reformation of Manners - to enforce the Execution of the Laws against
Drunkenness, Lewdness, indecent Prints & indecent Publications, disorderly
Public Houses & all the various Profanations of the Lord's Day...).
London Society for the Encouragement of Faithful Female Servants (Insituted 1813).
The Association
for the Refutation of Infidel Publications.
The Society
for the Diffusion of Knowledge upon the Punishment of Death
Guardian Society for the Preservation of Public Morals by Providing Temporary Asylums
for Prostitutes
The Episcopal Floating Church Society - a real society of honest people.
The Society for improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes.
Ladies Association for the Benefit of Gentlewomen of Good Family, Reduced in
Fortunes Below the State of Comfort to Which They Have Been Accustomed.
London Truss Society for the Ruptured Poor. (Founded 1807 - I wonder if there was enmity
or collaboration between this and the Rupture Society for the Supply of Trusses
to the Indigent Poor of both Sexes founded in 1804/5 (and also known as the New Rupture
Society). This latter was certainly at
war with the original Rupture Society founded in 1796 - they fought their war
via correspondence in The Medical Observer.
In fairness rupture was a major problem and it was estimated in 1807
that in some parts of the country as many as a quarter of the labouring
population were affected by hernias and ruptures, including men and women of
all ages. That year the Duke of Bedford
donated 100 guineas to the New Rupture Society
which was still advertising meetings in 1950 and survived long enough to
be given a registered charity number though it was removed from the listings of
the Charity Commission in 2001 because it had then ceased to exist.)
You couldn't make these up if you tried!!!
Friendly Female Society for the Relief of the Poor, Infirm, Aged Widows and
Single Women, of Good Character who Have Seen Better Days,
And my favourite
Forlorn Female’s Fund of Mercy. If you know any
Forlorn Females I shall try to find if it still exists.