Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Chicken of the Woods

Chicken of the Woods is the name of this rather large toadstool we found on 2nd May. I'm not sure which has since become rarer - the toadstool or the sunshine!


  1. "Rather large" is an understatement - this is HUGE!
    Is it edible?

  2. Oh my...that's a very large toadstool.

  3. wow! that is large. how have you been SS? miss you at FMTSO.

  4. Wow! That is fantastic! I can see the face & body in your photos!!!

  5. Some books say it's edible, Librarian, some say not. After the experience of a friend of ours who's just had a liver transplant as a result of eating a wild mushroom I'm inclined to leave everything alone now. Nevertheless, it was apparent someone had cut quite a large slice off it - presumably to eat.

  6. Hello RFMC...I have just come across your blog, I think, via Cheshire Houswife, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
    You have a new fan, I also ejoyed reading about the Wirral, where I used to live about 25 years ago, it made me feel quite nostalgic, so thank you for the lovely photographs too, lovely...You are now on my favourites!

  7. To me it takes on the shape of a troll or something in the first and the last pics... You probably did well to leave it alone ;)

  8. Ilike fried chicken but I'll give that one a miss.

  9. Scriptor, that is incredible, it has been such a long time since I have seen a post from you. I hope you are well. We have gone hunting for mushrooms but not here in the desert...when we lived in Missour USA the land was green, wet and plush, mushrooms were everywhere to be found and we had to be careful and learn what we could and could not eat...but when you found the right one...UMMM delicious!


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