Thursday 31 January 2019

Can I buy you a drink?

I'm not a girl but if I were this would certainly be my attitude...


  1. Whoever does it has won my heart! :D

  2. I appreciate the sentiment of that image/text, but I feel that bookstores (the bookstores of my memory, that is... there are none left) for me are a place of solitude. I would really resent someone coming up to me and nosing into my perusal of books. When I am in a bookstore, I want to turn off my "radar" and focus solely on the books, and how my soul reacts to them. Just because I am handling or looking at a book does not mean I want to buy it, nor that I would want someone to buy it for me. To me, a complete stranger offering to buy me something smacks of superiority. I would much prefer someone asking what I like to read, and sitting down over a coffee to discuss what books we might like in common, and why. Just my two cents...

  3. Funny and I cannot make an argument against it.

  4. If he loves books as much as i do, he certainly has a much better chance with this!

  5. Hi John, coming by a circuitous route to your blog--via MacQue and A Vintage Green. And yes, if someone offered to buy me a book I was looking at? We'd be instant friends. A drink, I'd be lookin' at them sideways.


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